Tuesday, August 4, 2015

lepidolite #cabochon #lapidary is a stone of calm and balance learn more about its other energies and metaphysical propertie

Cabochon Cutting and Setting: Schitterend Sieraad

Cabochon Cutting and Setting: Schitterend Sieraad

Lapidary part 1 - an Introduction to the Cutting and Polishing of gemsto...

buzzard roost chrysocolla #Cabochon & #Lapidary

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

etsy metal: Electroforming Tutorial: Iris Seed Pod

etsy metal: Electroforming Tutorial: Iris Seed Pod: Equipment and Materials 18-amp Digital Rectifier 1000mL Pyrex Beaker Lacquer Conductive Paint 2-Part Epoxy 1 quart Bright Copper Electroform...